
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

— Paul, Colossians 3:16

Sunday Worship

If worship is the praise of something or someone then each of us is a worshipper. Whether its our favourite sporting team, the latest food craze of the latest electronic gadget, we are all worshippers of something.

Sunday mornings at Kingsgrove are a time where we worship Jesus. We do this because we are convinced Jesus was far more than a great moral teacher or kind humanitarian, but the son of God who came to earth to not just point us to God, but to die on the cross so that we would be restored into relationship with Him. Therefore each Sunday is spent remembering this great truth. Everything we do points forward to this beautiful story of how Jesus came to save us, even though we were people still in rebellion against Him.

If you spend time with us on a Sunday morning you’ll experience a number of things. We’ll sing songs together, praising God and giving thanks to Him for his faithfulness to us. We’ll spend time reading the Bible and hearing someone explain to us what it says to us about ourselves and about God. We’ll also spend time talking to God in prayer and confessing creeds and our sins.

Our dress is casual, so please come and join us!

10:00 am (Mandarin) & 10:00 am (English) at Kingsgrove
4 Morgan Street, Kingsgrove NSW 2208


SWEC Kids is a safe space for kids to have fun, make friends, and learn about Jesus.

Our weekly program involves singing, playing games and craft activities as kids learn from the Bible together.

SWEC Kids runs during our 10 am services.

Kids start in the main church with parents and carers. Early into the service we have a live or video Kidspot and then invite kids to head out to their programs. On your child’s first visit to SWEC Kids we will ask the parent or carer present to complete a registration form, so we can best care for them.

We run four kids programs at our Sunday meetings:

  • Creche: 6–24 months (parent-manned)
  • SWEC Minis: 3–5 years
  • Lower Primary: School years 1-3
  • Upper Primary: School years 4-6

We also provide a nursing room for young babies and their carers with nappy changing facilities and a live stream of the service.

Our amazing SWEC Kids leaders are volunteers who are committed to providing a fun and caring environment for each child so they can grow in their relationship with God. All of our leaders have up to date Working With Children Checks, and regularly complete safe ministry and child protection training.

We’d love to meet your kids on Sunday! Come and check us out!

6 months old – school Year 6
10:00 am (English & Mandarin)
4 Morgan Street, Kingsgrove NSW 2208

Teen Bible Study

Helping teenagers engage deeply with the Bible.

This Bible Study uses age-specific material with a practical focus - helping teenagers to engage deeply with the Bible in a way that will equip them for getting more out of our church services.

Teenagers meet fortnightly during the 10:00 am Kingsgrove English service and are led by a team of leaders (typically one male and one female leader each week).

All Bible study resources and materials are age-appropriate and relevant to our teenagers (we are currently using the Cru Group resources for Years 7–12).

Teenagers are also encouraged to join our Connexion Youth group on Friday nights during the school term.

High school students (Years 7 to 12)
Fortnightly, during the 10:00 am English and Mandarin services
4 Morgan Street, Kingsgrove NSW 2208

Morning Tea

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. —Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)

Morning tea is served immedately after our Sunday Mandarin service at Kingsgrove and everyone is invited. It’s a relaxed setting allowing regulars and newcomers alike to connect on a personal level and strengthen relationships through conversation. Morning tea reflects our Christian values of hospitality and community. It’s a meaningful way to extend the worship experience and support one another in a more personal, informal manner.

Every Sundays
Courtyard, 4 Morgan St Kingsgrove NSW 2209

Church Lunch

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. —Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)

Church lunch occurs immediately after our Sunday English service at Kingsgrove once per month and everyone is invited. It rotates between catered lunches and bring-your-own lunches. Church lunch is a relaxed setting allowing regulars and newcomers alike to connect on a personal level and strengthen relationships through conversation. Sharing a meal strengthens the bonds within the church family and reflects our Christian values of hospitality and community, reflecting the unity and grace of Jesus.

Sundays, once per month
Hall, 4 Morgan St Kingsgrove NSW 2209